Dean's Corner


 by O. J. Ferguson


D. B.—The Dizzy Bean of Engineering.
S. H.—A Sappy Hon of Nebraska.
D. B.—"There is one phase of University life upon which we might, with good effect, expound at length. Now that you are a member of a great student body, having in common with all of the individuals in that group the numerous and varied resources of the University of Nebraska, its plant and its personnel, it is to be hoped that your eyes are wide open to your opportunities for accomplishing one of the most important results possible to a person, —the making of true, steady, lifelong friends. Without them, you might about as well live in the moon, or simply float around in the vast open spaces of the universe, or start off to hit the Bull's Eye, so to speak, by a journey to Aldebaran, on a train of thought loafing along at ten miles an hour.

“And the friends which ——————"

S. H. (Interrupting). "Ah, Sir. I comprehend." (More probably,—"I gechu, Steve." But, if you'll pardon me, I'll adopt the other type of diction. That may more fully carry out the idea that is in an imaginary conversation.)  "I know just what you mean, and I am eager to show you that I have anticipated your most excellent advice.

“Even in my high school days, this was impressed upon me. I attended well to my social duties, still not neglecting my schoolwork. My grades were good, though my extra-curriculum activities were many and varied. It takes time to do the chairman's work on the Junior Play Committee. It takes even more time to carry a leading part in the Senior Play. I did not miss one of the parties given during my final year. I can lay modest claim to a substantial popularity with my fellow students, for I held several class offices."

D. B.—"Pardon me, but you mistake me. I did not intend to refer to friendships with your high school fellows. What I had in mind——"

S. H. (Proceeding), "Oh, but I did not limit myself to school affairs, only. Through a tennis club I associated with young people who were not in school. Many of these were my elders and were making their beginnings in business.
 My church connections gave me contact with still other groups of people of all ages. It was my privilege to know quite intimately many of these good folks and I found it very interesting to compare them with each other in their abilities, their ambitions and their energies. I learned many a fine lesson through their friendships.

And now, I can capitalize these efforts I have made to be friendly with my fellows. I am entering a picked group of young people who are to become leaders in world activities., While I'm a prospective engineer, I bump elbows with potential supreme court judges, world famous surgeons, Nobel prize winning authors, discoverers of Nature's secrets, leaders of the country's thought,—and I feel at home with them, for they all wear (or recently wore) green caps like mine.

“I'm making friends of many of them, and their friendships are strong and gripping. They will hold when our paths have led us apart. The earth's diameter will not cut me off from the best of them. We wear the same pins.

“I am making friends.    They will last."

D. B.—"Your recital thrills me. You have gladdened my heart, for you have shown me that you are out to make good; that you know some of the opportunities that surround you;
that these, having been recognized, are to be given no chances of escape.
I commend you in the intensity of your attack and congratulate you upon the sane balance you are keeping all along the front.
But may I go back to my original point, and beg of you to add to this list of friends you are making those of whom I started to speak. They too are worthy. They too can support your weary arms. They will even lead you into smoother paths, and journey with you to the ends of the world. They too may be revered and loved.
They are your daily companions,—your Text Books. Who, ten years hence, can tell you things as well as these old, familiar friends? Who in the strenuous hour when demands are falling upon you can remind you of the way you once prepared yourself to answer those demands?   Whose reasonings are so clear, whose procedure so logical, whose answers so